
大学英语六级   更新时间:2024-04-28 02:08:03


In thissection,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1、 A. The collection of precious metals.

B. A standard measuring weight unit.

C. The value of precious metals.

D. A new metric system of measurement.

2、 A. Checking the accuracy of scales.

B. Calculating the density ofmetals.

C.Observing humidity of atmosphere.

D.Measuring amounts of rainfall.

3、 A. It has been rusty. B. It was not scientific.

C. It was of low quality. D. It was out of date.

4、 A. It is very cheap. B. It is difficult to say.

C. It is too expensive. D. It is reasonable.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5、 A. She is busy writing a biological article.

B. She is busy with a program about endangered species.

C. She is busy reading some books on economics.

D. She is busy with two research papers.

6、 A. Some species are impossible to conserve.

B. People are less conscious of saving endangered species.

C. Funds are difficult to get to conserve endangered species.

D. It is difficult to determine which animals are endangered.

7、 A. The relatives of the tailed toad have been extinct.

B. The varieties of the tailed toad are helpful to the research ofevolution.

C.If the tailed toad is well conserved,many other species will be better saved.

D.If the tailed toad was extinct,some myth about evolution would lose.

8、 A. The man is busy preparing the research paper.

B. The woman should hand two papers in on the same day.

C. The man is reading a hook only about biology.

D. The woman is glad to make a decision on which animal to save.


1-5:BACDD 6-8:CDB



1、【题目】Part IV Translation

Satellite massagers have the same global coverage as satellite telephones, but carry text alone, which could be useful for those with laptop computers.(Passage Four)





1、【题目】Passage 4

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

The new global satellite communications systems will offer three kinds service, which may overlap in many different kinds of receivers.

VOICE. Satellite telephones will be able to make calls from anywhere on the Earth to anywhere else. That could make them especially useful to remote, third world villages (some of which already use stationary satellite telephones), explorers and disaster-relief teams. Today’s mobile telephones depend on earth-bound transmitters, where technical standards vary from country to country. So business travelers cannot use their mobile phones on international trips. Satellite telephones would make that possible.

MESSAGING. Satellite massagers have the same global coverage as satellite telephones, but carry text alone, which could be useful for those with laptop computers. Equipped with a small screen like today’s papers, satellite massagers will also receive short messages.

TRACKING. Voice and messaging systems will also tell their users where they are to within a few hundred meters. Combined with the messaging service, the location service could help rescue teams to find stranded adventurers, the police to find stolen cars, exporters to follow the progress of cargoes, and haulage companies to check that drivers are not detouring the pub. America’s military Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite will provide better positioning information to anyone who has a receiver for their signals, but GPS does not carry messages, so such a receiver cannot be used on its own for tracking or rescue. By the mid-1990s, GPS receivers will be able to tell people where they are to within 70 meters anywhere in the world, and to within a meter or so in areas where the service is supplemented by ground-based transmitter.

16. Global satellite communications systems will be useful to .

A. laptop computer users

B. remote villages

C. disaster-relief teams

D. all above

17. Satellite telephone will make .

A. business travelers use mobile phones on international trips

B. possible calls from anywhere on earth to anywhere else

C. explorers happy

D. all above

18. Which of the following is true?

A. The positioning precision of the voice system is better than that of GPS.

B. The positioning precision of GPS is Better than that of the voice system.

C. The positioning precision of the messaging system is better than of GPS.

D. The positioning precision of voice system is better than that of the messaging system.

19. What can we say about the new global satellite communications systems?

A. They are widely used.

B. They are very helpful.

C. They are costly.

D. Both A and B.

20. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. Global Satellite Communications

B. New Voice and Messaging System

C. New Generation Satellite

D. Always in Touch








Recently, it has been practiced by some local universities that dialect is made a compulsory course for some students, under which students are subject to learning the local dialect and then graded as one of the judging factors for them to graduate. On the one hand, people approving the practice maintain that it will help to prevent the dialect from extinguishing so that the local traditional culture and the cultural diversity can be enhanced, and the unique urban identity can be preserved simultaneously. On the other hand, people in opposition to the practice contend that it will give rise to the appearance of educational inequality, for the local students will enjoy absolute advantages over those from other places. Moreover, the inclusion of dialect in compulsory courses will bring forth other problems like teaching material, teachers and examination standards. As far as I am concerned, dialects, as an indispensable part of local traditional culture as well as a tool for communication, can be acquired and used voluntarily, not compulsorily.









1、【题目】Part IV Translation

Yet these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful. (Passage Two)











1、【题目】In the last 12 years total employment in the United States grew faster than at any time in the peacetime history of any country – from 82 to 110 million between 1973 and 1985 – that is, by a full one third. The entire growth, however, was in manufacturing, and especially in no – blue-collar jobs…

This trend is the same in all developed countries, and is, indeed, even more pronounced in Japan. It is therefore highly probable that in 25 years developed countries such as the United States and Japan will employ no larger a proportion of the labor force I n manufacturing than developed countries now employ in farming – at most, 10 percent. Today the United States employs around 18 million people in blue-collar jobs in manufacturing industries. By 2010, the number is likely to be no more than 12 million. In some major industries the drop will be even sharper. It is quite unrealistic, for instance, to expect that the American automobile industry will employ more than one –third of its present blue-collar force 25 years hence, even though production might be 50 percent higher.

If a company, an industry or a country does not in the next quarter century sharply increase manufacturing production and at the same time sharply reduce the blue-collar work force, it cannot hope to remain competitive – or even to remain “developed.” The attempt to preserve such blue – collar jobs is actually a prescription for unemployment…

This is not a conclusion that American politicians, labor leaders or indeed the general public can easily understand or accept. What confuses the issue even more it that the United States is experiencing several separate and different shifts in the manufacturing economy. One is the acceleration of the substitution of knowledge and capital for manual labor. Where we spoke of mechanization a few decades ago, we now speak of “robotization “ or “automation.” This is actually more a change in terminology than a change in reality. When Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in 1909, he cut the number of man – hours required to produce a motor car by some 80 percent in two or three years –far more than anyone expects to result from even the most complete robotization. But there is no doubt that we are facing a new, sharp acceleration in the replacement of manual workers by machines –that is, by the products of knowledge.

1.According to the author, the shrinkage in the manufacturing labor force demonstrates______.

A.the degree to which a country’s production is robotized

B.a reduction in a country’s manufacturing industries

C.a worsening relationship between labor and management

D.the difference between a developed country and a developing country

2.According to the author, in coming 25years, a developed country or industry, in order t remain competitive, ought to ______.

A.reduce the percentage of the blue-collar work force

B.preserve blue – collar jobs for international competition

C.accelerate motor – can manufacturing in Henry Ford’s style

D.solve the problem of unemployment

3.American politicians and labor leaders tend to dislike_____.

A.confusion in manufacturing economy

B.an increase in blue – collar work force

C.internal competition in manufacturing production

D.a drop in the blue – collar job opportunities

4.The word “prescription” in “a prescription for unemployment” may be the equivalent to ______

A.something recommended as medical treatment

B.a way suggested to overcome some difficulty

C.some measures taken in advance

D.a device to dire

5.This passage may have been excepted from ________

A.a magazine about capital investment

B.an article on automation

C.a motor-car magazine

D.an article on global economy





1、【题目】Part IV Translation

The personal service they provide is so deep-rooted in Japan that they are likely to operate alongside the glittering new showrooms. (Passage Three)








Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “Socialist wealth belongs to the people, the socialist prosperity is the universal common prosperity.” Building a harmonious society is to regard people’s livelihood as the priority among priorities, to help the masses live a happy life of having jobs, going to school, having food to eat, having clothes to wear, having houses to live in, and can be cured when in disease, and can be cared when they are old. From then on, in the fields of employment, education, income distribution, health care, pension, and housing, etc., a large number of practical projects focusing on livelihood have been started one by one; every activity about people’s livelihood has lighted people of all nationalities up with pleasure.












China lies in the east of Asia and it has the largest population in the world. China is also one of the four countries in the world that have an ancient civilization, Besides, it has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the sky like swords. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China boasts a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearls and jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people’s admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment from all these attractions in China, a much-admired dream land.



1、【题目】Part III Cloze

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 61 . Human brains differ considerably, 62 being more capable than others. 63 no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence 64 he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what 65 to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is brought 66 . If an individual is handicapped (受阻碍) 67 , it is likely that his brain will 68 to develop and he will 69 attain the level of intelligence of which he is 70 .

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be 71 by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they are placed in 72 foster (寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an 73 community with poor educational 74 . John, 75 , was educated in the home of well-to-do parents who has been to college. This environmental 76 continued until the twins were 77 their late teens, 78 they were given tests to 79 their intelligence. John’s I.Q. (智商) was 125, twenty-five points higher than the 80 and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.

61. A. for B. by C. with D. in

62. A. most B. some C. many D. few

63. A. But B. For C. Still D. And

64. A. if B. thought C. as D. unless

65. A. refers B. applies C. happens D. concerns

66. A. about B. up C. forward D. forth

67. A. relatively B. intelligently C. regularly D. environmentally

68. A. fail B. help C. manage D. stop

69. A. ever B. never C. even D. nearly

70. A. able B. capable C. available D. acceptable

71. A. demonstrated B. denied C. neglected D. ignored

72. A. separate B. similar C. remote D. individual

73. A. omitted B. isolated C. enclosed D. occupied

74. A. possibilities B. opportunities C. capacities D. responsibilities

75. A. moreover B. consequently C. then D. however

76. A. exception B. division C. difference D. alteration

77. A. in B. by C. at C. for

78. A. while B. since C. when D. because

79. A. estimate B. count C. decide D. measure

80. A. average B. common C. usual D. ordinary


61-65 CBADC

66-70 BDABB

71-75 AABBD

76-80 CACDA



1、【题目】Without regular supplies of some hormones our capacity to behave would be seriously impaired; without others we would soon die. Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify moods and actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior. And hormones do more than influence adult behavior; early in life they help to determine the development of bodily form and may even determine an individual’s behavioral capacities. Later in life the changing outputs of some endocrine glands and the body’s changing sensitivity to some hormones are essential aspects of the phenomena of aging.

Communication within the body and the consequent integration of behavior were considered the exclusive province of the nervous system up to the beginning of the present century. The emergence of endocrinology as a separate discipline can probably be traced to the experiments of Bayliss and Starling on the hormone secretion. This substance is secreted from cells in the intestinal walls when food enters the stomach; it travels through the bloodstream and stimulates the pancreas to liberate pancreatic juice, which aids in digestion. By showing that special cells secret chemical agents that are conveyed by the bloodstream and regulate distant target organs or tissues. Bayliss and starling demonstrated that chemical integration could occur without participation of the nervous system.

The term “hormone” was first used with reference to secretion. Starling derived the term from the Greek hormone, meaning “to excite or set in motion. The term “endocrine” was introduced shortly thereafter “Endocrine” is used to refer to glands that secret products into the bloodstream. The term “endocrine” contrasts with “exocrine”, which is applied to glands that secret their products though ducts to the site of action. Examples of exocrine glands are the tear glands, the sweat glands, and the pancreas, which secrets pancreatic juice through a duct into the intestine. Exocrine glands are also called duct glands, while endocrine glands are called ductless.

1.What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?

A.To explain the specific functions of various hormones.

B.To provide general information about hormones.

C.To explain how the term “hormone” evolved.

D.To report on experiments in endocrinology.

2.The passage supports which of the following conclusions?

A.The human body requires large amounts of most hormones.

B.Synthetic hormones can replace a person’s natural supply of hormones if necessary.

C.The quantity of hormones produced and their effects on the body are related to a person’s age.

D.The short child of tall parents very likely had a hormone deficiency early in life.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that before the Bayliss and Starling experiments, most people believed that chemical integration occurred only___.

A.during sleep.

B.in the endocrine glands.

C.under control of the nervous system.

D.during strenuous exercise.

4.The word “liberate” could best be replaced by which of the following?

A.Emancipate B.Discharge C.Surrender D.Save

5.According to the passage another term for exocrine glands is___.

A.duct glands

B.endocrine glands

C.ductless glands

D.intestinal glands.








Nowadays, China is stepping into the aging society. Therefore, the only-child generation is facing enormous pressure both from work and life. The Chinese government has begun to adjust the familyplanning policy and allows some families to have a second child under certain circumstances. However, the survey shows thatsome couples abandon to have a second child due to the increasing financial burden. Thus, in order to solve the aging problem,the basic thing is not relying on the increase of birth rate. The best solution is to establish an effective social security system.



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